Sunday, 26 May 2013

It's a knit in!

...and quite an impromptu one. Dropped into a cafe in Bungendore on a Sunday drive to Braid wood and a bunch of locals were having a stitch n bitch sesh.  The dress I'm knitting for my daughter is sitting in the car at the ready...

Thursday, 23 May 2013

Local treasures

Oopahtot softie in pale pink corduroy

I've just made my first treasury list on Etsy.  Beautiful things are being made in Canberra Australia and here are just a few.

Thursday, 16 May 2013

The one thing I can't do terms of craft that is!  Why is it I can turn my hand to any craft but crochet?  I just can't do it after years of trying over and over I have given up.  And then I find this most awesome pattern.  Gah!!!

Sunday, 5 May 2013

Upload complete!

Teapot and Snail has gone digital!  All patterns are now available for instant digital download on Etsy.  That means if you have a sudden urge to sew something new in the middle of the night, you can!

As soon as you have clicked Add to Cart and your payment has gone through, Etsy gives you a button to click.  You can get your pattern instructions and pieces to print out right then and there.  It's going to be great for my overseas customers (no more waiting for the Aussie working day to start) and for anyone who's been caught out and remembered a birthday the night before!