How awesome is this?!!! This has to be the finest piece of yarn bombing I have ever seen. Check out Sarah Rudder's blog for more fabulous yarn bombs.
Just as well there's a nice R2-D2 to cheer me up this morning. Last night we had a massive storm and got something like 67mm of rain in less than an hour. Sadly, the Teapot & Snail studio flooded and the whole family mucked in to pump water out. Seriously, it was coming in faster than we could get rid of it. It seems the storm drains just couldn't handle such a huge dump of water in one hit. Luckily we were home for the long weekend as the weather put us off going to the beach. If we hadn't been here, a lot of fabric, yarn, and the expensive stuff like the overlocker and cupboards would have gone. Thankfully no current stock was damaged but my mum's antique Singer sewing table nearly copped it. Today we are off to buy some sturdy shelving units to get more things up high and then it's back downstairs to dry things out some more.